Monday, February 20, 2012

Simplicity and Solitude

Here are some tips.. ideas.. and  thoughts about living a simple life!!
~ From a sermon at my church last week!
  • Impress people with your life.. not your clothes
  • Get rid of addictions.. such as tv, facebook, books, drinks
  • Refuse to be pulled in by new technologies (owning things is an obsession these day!)
  • Develop a deeper appreciation for creation

Simplicity is a freedom!!

quiet time is a great time to ponder life and God's power and grace!! We don't have enough solitude, now-a-days......... people are constantly listening to music/noise!! Take time to be quiet!!

  • When we are silent God will take control!!

Your fashion statement and "coolness" isnt going to matter once we  reach heaven! What will matter ... will be how you served the Lord and made Him apart of your life!

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