Monday, April 2, 2012

Principles to Live By

*We will serve the Lord!!!
And we need to consider the consequences of every decision we make! Because we WILL sow what we reap!

  • Priorities
            --Matthew 6:33
            --We need to give God first place in our lives and in our schedules

  • Self-Sacrifice
           --Mark 8:34-36
           --Phillippians 2:5-8
           -- We need to give of ourselves and be willing to sacrifice our 'needs'.

  • Unselfish generosity
            -- Luke 6:30-31,37
            --We need to be more genorous with mercy,love, forgiveness and sharing... than the world!
                Because He is always merciful to me!
           --Enter into the spirit of Christ!
           --Luke 6:38
            -- Be genours in sharing material things

  • Self-discipline
            -- Luke 21:24
            -- We must discipline our flesh
            --We need to build self-control (food, time.. etc...)
            --Galatians 6:7

  • Thanksgiving
           --1 Thessalonians 5:18
            --Difficulties will either make us better or bitter
            -- Nobody owes me anything, as sinners we deserve nothing! So we need to get off of our high horse and seek the face of our Lord Jesus Christ.
            -- Thanksgiving needs to be vertical (to God) but also horizontal (man).

We should live by these principles and more!

~From a sermon at our revival services with David Shank

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